Survey Says: Top Which of Nanashi's Characters are You? results, Role Playing Games Survey
The top 7 Which of Nanashi's Characters are You? results of 87 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which of Nanashi's Characters are You?.
Dapper: You sexy, sexy beast. You're also a dead one, and probably the reason for the recent decline in the local hooker population. You have that thirst for blood, and you get it using your great strength... Your looks.
Kaji: You're disturbingly happy, aren't you? Oh, but on the inside, you're a very serious person with connections to things many people tend to fear. You my be obsessed over death, and you may have a soft spot for dead kitty cats...
Keiman: Happy, happy, crazy person that you are, you have an artistic side and a fondness for doing things which most people call odd or annoying. Your happiness... it's grating on the nerves, but it probably isn't real. You could be bothered by those health issues of yours...
Val: You liked to pull the legs off of spiders as a child, didn't you? Back away from me, you seriously warped mind, because I value my life!
Vesper: You're serious, aren't you? Perhaps too serious. You're the local techie, and you probably have some technical quirk about you. Like... perhaps... a metal arm?
Nithaiah: My, aren't YOU the quiet one? You have your wings and you may use them, but your darker side prevents you from getting close to many people. Really, it's just you, one chosen, and your chosen art form, and you like it that way. You're practically a shadow!
Shineko: Oh, you poor, tortured soul. You love your wings and you love the winds, but you have problems with people. And I don't blame you one bit. You're the quiet type, aren't you?