The top 24 Anime Girls Selector results of 125 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Anime Girls Selector.
#1 | 46.4%
| Sailor Saturn | |
#2 | 16.8%
| Sailor Moon | |
#3 | 8.0%
| Kinomoto Nadeshiko | |
#4 | 4.0%
| Sailor Mercury | |
#5 | 3.2%
| Daidouji Tomoyo/Madison | |
#6 | 3.2%
| Giselle (Pokèmon, only 1 episode) | |
#7 | 3.2%
| Kinomoto Sakura | |
#8 | 3.2%
| Sailor Venus | |
#9 | 2.4%
| Sailor Mars | |
#10 | 2.4%
| Sailor StarFighter | |
#11 | 1.6%
| Cassidy (Jesse's opposite number) | |
#12 | 0.8%
| Li Meilin | |
#13 | 0.8%
| Lorelli (Pokèmon) | |
#14 | 0.8%
| Mihara Chiharu/Chelse (Cardcaptor Sakura) | |
#15 | 0.8%
| Naotaki Himeko (Sailor MoonS movie) | |
#16 | 0.8%
| Sailor ChibiMoon | |
#17 | 0.8%
| Sailor Uranus | |
#18 | 0.8%
| Yanagisawa Naoko/Nikki (Cardcaptor Sakura) | |
#19 | 0.0%
| Jesse (Team Rocket in Pokèmon) | |
#20 | 0.0%
| Jessebell (A wierd girl who was engaged to James, Jesse hates her. Only 1 episode of Pokèmon) | |
#21 | 0.0%
| Kasumi/Misty | |
#22 | 0.0%
| Mitsuki Kaho/ Ms. McKenzie (Cardcaptor Sakura) | |
#23 | 0.0%
| Sailor Jupiter | |
#24 | 0.0%
| Sasaki Rika/Rita (Cardcaptor Sakura) | |