Survey Says: Top What kind of relationship is yours? Soul-mate, friend, infatuation, lust, stalker? results, Love Survey
The top 6 What kind of relationship is yours? Soul-mate, friend, infatuation, lust, stalker? results of 14376 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What kind of relationship is yours? Soul-mate, friend, infatuation, lust, stalker?.      

#1 59.3%
You found your soul-mate. Congratulations!
#2 16.9%
You found a meaningful friendship. Embrace it.
#3 10.0%
This is one-sided, unrequited love. Time to move on.
#4 7.7%
You're overly possessive and obsessed. Get help.
#5 4.7%
You're totally infatuated. It can become a deeper relationship or remain in shallow waters - up to you.
#6 1.4%
You're in lust, not in love. You're having fun, but don't confuse this with the real deal.

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