Survey Says: Top Which Female Freak is Your Friend? results, Weird Survey
The top 6 Which Female Freak is Your Friend? results of 143 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Female Freak is Your Friend?.
you are Kayla's friend! She skates, has blue hair, and is a whore!
you are Tofu's friend! An insane dragon who eats people!
you are Layla's friend! The only one who dares to wear pink pants and thinks long haired guys, dead people, and aliens are sexy!
you are Alien's friend! Her shirt is a napkin, her pants, shiny, and her personality: Sweet!
you are Siobhaen's friend! An blonde looking for a vampire boyfriend who has many invisible buddies!
you are Opal's friend! A girl who can draw, write, sing and do everything good! One word: Jewish!