Survey Says: Top Which Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit character are you? results, Philosophy Survey
PhilosophyThe top 5 Which Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit character are you? results of 584 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit character are you?.      

#1 42.0%
Antigone - the heroine in chapter C. (BB.) VI. A. The true spirit.The ethical order
#2 26.5%
The ''master'' consciousness which stars in the famous master-slave dialectic in chapter B. IV. A. Independence and dependence of self-consciousness: Lordship and bondage.
#3 13.4%
Absolute spirit - the ultimate philosophical standpoint of Hegel. Congratulations!
#4 11.1%
The ''naughty boy'' who figures in chapter C. V. C. a. The spiritual animal kingdom and deceit, or the 'matter in hand'.
#5 7.0%
The ''slave'' or bondsman consciousness which stars in the famous master-slave dialectic in chapter B. IV. A. Independence and dependence of self-consciousness: Lordship and bondage.

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