Survey Says: Top Which murder weapon would suit you? results, Weaponry Survey
The top 10 Which murder weapon would suit you? results of 10155 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which murder weapon would suit you?.      

#1 19.7%
Icicle. You're smart, but twisted. This murder weapon would be tricky to use but would melt away after use, leaving no evidence.
#2 17.4%
Hired Assassin. cool and methodical you don't want blood on your own hands so you hire someone else. You're not vengeful, you just want someone conveniently removed from your way in life.
#3 15.5%
Killer Ants. Tie em up and cover 'em in honey then release the killer ants. You are screwed up, James Bond villian style. Can also use; Dogs, Bees or sharks.
#4 14.5%
Bomb. You would kill to put your veiws across. You're smart and dont care about other people.
#5 11.5%
Slow psychological torture. Stalk your victim, haunt them drive them insane, hopefully making them suicidal. Risky and time-consuming but you're so twisted, you dont care.
#6 8.8%
Gun, this looks cool and fits in with your fantasies. can also be excecuted from afar, what matters to you is that the job gets done. You might kill on other's behalf.
#7 5.3%
Push 'em off a cliff. You're more likely to kill accidently or on the spur of the moment. be warned- murders like this can lead to swift capture.
#8 4.1%
Thread. Strangle your victim, duchess of Malfi style. this can be burnt afterwards but you will need brute strength.
#9 3.2%
Knife. Probably not thought out well in advance, your murder would be messy but fun...
#10 0.0%
Rock, or other bulky object. Swift and deadly, you thug.

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