Survey Says: Top Ideal ff boyfriend results, Anime Survey The top 22 Ideal ff boyfriend results of 608 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Ideal ff boyfriend. Rate Survey Says (5=best, 0=poor) #1 16.9% Seifer Almasy #2 15.5% Irvine Kenneas #3 13.3% Rude of the Turks #4 6.3% Kuja #5 6.3% Sir Fratley #6 4.6% Cid Highwind #7 4.4% Zidaine Tribal #8 4.3% Rufus Shinra #9 3.8% Blank #10 3.6% Vincent Valentine #11 3.5% Cloud Strife #12 3.3% Squall Leonheart #13 3.1% Adelbert Steiner #14 2.6% Zell Dinchet #15 2.3% Laguna Loire #16 1.8% Tseng of the Turks #17 1.2% Reno of the Turks #18 1.0% Marcus #19 0.8% Kiros Seagul #20 0.8% Vivi Ordinator #21 0.3% Rujin #22 0.3% Sephiroth