Survey Says: Top What is your Enneagram type? results, Philosophy Survey
The top 9 What is your Enneagram type? results of 9115 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What is your Enneagram type?.      

#1 34.4%
The Individualist (TYPE FOUR) - Famous examples include Bob Dylan, Prince, and Vincent van Gogh. This type is most concerned with identity and uniqueness, trying to establish a sense of self that can be believed in. The behaviors of this type range from emotionally balanced, creative, and a deep understanding of what it is to be human to depressive, self-conscious, and decadent.
#2 16.7%
The Investigator (TYPE FIVE) - Famous examples include Albert Einstein, Franz Kafka, and Tim Burton. This type is most concerned with knowledge and mastery, understanding or finding new ways of seeing the world in order to better confront it. The behaviors of this type range from innovative, ingenious, and profound to bizarre, reclusive, and disturbed.
#3 9.3%
The Achiever (TYPE THREE) - Famous examples include Bill Clinton, Madonna, and Oprah Winfrey. This type is most concerned with accomplishment and status, working to cultivate a model image for others to appreciate. The behaviors of this type range from self-assured, inspiring, and well-adjusted to shallow, deceitful, and narcissistic
#4 8.7%
The Peacemaker (TYPE NINE) Famous examples include Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and Janet Jackson . This type is most concerned with peace of mind and harmony, trying to get along with others and avoid stressful situations. The behaviors of this type range from tranquil, soothing, and easy going to oblivious, non-responsive, and neglectful.
#5 7.4%
The Helper (TYPE TWO) - Famous examples include Richard Simmons, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Florence Nightingale. This type is most concerned with acceptance and intimacy, tending to the needs of others in order to become a valued part of their lives. The behaviors of this type range from altruistic, compassionate, and loving to needy, possessive, and manipulative.
#6 7.1%
The Challenger (TYPE EIGHT) - Famous examples include Muhammed Ali, Courtney Love, and Martin Luther King, Jr. This type is most concerned with power and survival, working to maintain self-determination and build a lasting legacy. The behaviors of this type range from protective of others, commanding, and larger than life to bullying, aggressive, and destructive.
#7 5.9%
The Loyalist (TYPE SIX) - Famous examples include Malcolm X, Woody Allen, and Richard Nixon. This type is most concerned with security, finding something to believe in or be a part of that offers stability. The behaviors of this type range from independent, cooperative, and steadfast to paranoid, dependent, and unstable.
#8 5.8%
The Reformer (TYPE ONE) - Famous examples include Ralph Nader, Gandhi, and Joan of Arc. This type is most concerned with perfection, striving to achieve an ideal that could be anything from keeping a spotless home to fighting against social injustice. The behaviors of this type range from wise, rational, and discerning to obsessive- compulsive, critical, and judgemental.
#9 4.5%
The Enthusiast (TYPE SEVEN)- Famous example include Jim Carrey, Benjamin Franklin, and John F. Kennedy. This type is most concerned with having freedom from want, seeking out stimulation and gratification whenver possible. The behaviors of this type range from multi-talented, optimistic, and joyful to hyperactive, greedy, and excessive.

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