The top 5 Are you emo? results of 24749 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Are you emo?.
#1 | 35.3%
| YOU'RE KINDA EMO. Oooh. You probably like Weezer, don't you! | |
#2 | 33.1%
| YOU AIN'T EMO. Nope, not emo. Not even close. | |
#3 | 16.0%
| ALMOST EMO, but not quite! Aren't you disappointed! Go cry yourself to sleep and try again. | |
#4 | 9.4%
| YOU ARE SLIGHTLY EMO. You are showing a few emo tendencies. Pick up a Dashboard Confessional CD and try again. | |
#5 | 6.2%
| CONGRATULATIONS! Cheer up, emo kid: You're emo! | |