Survey Says: Top Futurama dating game! results, Weird Survey
The top 9 Futurama dating game! results of 140 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Futurama dating game!.      

#1 52.1%
Amy Wong
#2 15.7%
Phillip J Fry (Fry)
#3 10.0%
Hermes Conrad
#4 5.7%
Kif Koker
#5 4.3%
Bender (unit 22)
#6 4.3%
Toronga Leela (Leela)
#7 4.3%
Zapp Branigan
#8 3.6%
Dr. Zoidberg
#9 0.0%
Professor Hubert Farnsworth

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