Survey Says: Top Poke-Mania results, Anime Survey Selectsmart.com
The top 17 Poke-Mania results of 100 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Poke-Mania.
| #1 | 56.0%
| Ice | | #2 | 23.0%
| Normal | | #3 | 6.0%
| Electric | | #4 | 4.0%
| Fighting | | #5 | 3.0%
| Bug | | #6 | 3.0%
| Flying | | #7 | 2.0%
| Dragon | | #8 | 1.0%
| Dark | | #9 | 1.0%
| Fire | | #10 | 1.0%
| Poison | | #11 | 0.0%
| Ghost | | #12 | 0.0%
| Grass | | #13 | 0.0%
| Ground | | #14 | 0.0%
| Psychic | | #15 | 0.0%
| Rock | | #16 | 0.0%
| Steel | | #17 | 0.0%
| Water | |