Survey Says: Top inventory test takes your word for it. results, Religion Survey
The top 12 inventory test takes your word for it. results of 159 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for inventory test takes your word for it..      

#1 40.9%
The intellect: score=200+
#2 36.5%
The Gentlemen: score=230+
#3 12.6%
The gift giver: score=300+
#4 3.1%
The caring: score=900+
#5 2.5%
The honest one: score=1000+
#6 1.9%
The coward: score= -899
#7 1.3%
The bully: score= -399
#8 1.3%
The hero: score=888+
#9 0.0%
The intruder: score= -199
#10 0.0%
The liar: score= -599
#11 0.0%
The sad one: score= -499
#12 0.0%
The worry wart: score= -299

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