Survey Says: Top So you want to head a federal government department. results, Government Survey
The top 15 So you want to head a federal government department. results of 38 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for So you want to head a federal government department..      

#1 94.7%
Secretary of the Interior
#2 5.3%
Attorney General
#3 0.0%
Secretary of Agriculture
#4 0.0%
Secretary of Commerce
#5 0.0%
Secretary of Defense
#6 0.0%
Secretary of Education
#7 0.0%
Secretary of Energy
#8 0.0%
Secretary of Health & Human Services
#9 0.0%
Secretary of Homeland Security
#10 0.0%
Secretary of Housing & Urban Development
#11 0.0%
Secretary of Labor
#12 0.0%
Secretary of State
#13 0.0%
Secretary of Transportation
#14 0.0%
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
#15 0.0%
Secretary of the Treasury

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