Survey Says: Top Your True Calling: Determine career paths you should avoid results, Career Survey
The top 9 Your True Calling: Determine career paths you should avoid results of 1664 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Your True Calling: Determine career paths you should avoid.      

#1 35.8%
Bingo Attendant- Someone's gotta do it, but it shouldn't be you.
#2 18.6%
Human Cannon Ball- Ignore the lure you naturally feel, for this is not your true path.
#3 10.8%
Golf Ball Marshal- It's an important job suitable to sycophants and those who value resource conservation.
#4 10.6%
Vermiculturist- Yuck. Not for me either.
#5 8.2%
Cheese Sprayer- Someone else must cheese the popcorn!
#6 6.5%
Snake Wrangler- Wrangling is not for the faint of heart and you may be faint of heart.
#7 4.5%
Fig pollinator- It's a shame. Would have pegged you for a fig fan. There will be other opportunities.
#8 4.3%
Glucose and sugar weigher- Not sure what this is exactly, but don't bother finding out because it would make you unhappy.
#9 0.7%
Chicken Sexer-If you are not right for sexing a chicken, you might want to avoid the entire field of sexing.

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