Survey Says: Top Which Clan Selector results, Hobbies Survey The top 13 Which Clan Selector results of 462 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Clan Selector. Rate Survey Says (5=best, 0=poor) #1 79.7% Tremere #2 12.1% Toreador #3 4.3% Brujah #4 0.9% Giovanni #5 0.9% Tzimisce #6 0.6% Malkavian #7 0.6% Nosferatu #8 0.4% Assamite #9 0.2% Gangrel #10 0.2% Ravnos #11 0.0% Lasombra #12 0.0% Setite #13 0.0% Ventrue