Survey Says: Top How would you die in a Teen Girl Squad episode? results, Computers Survey
The top 10 How would you die in a Teen Girl Squad episode? results of 2400 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for How would you die in a Teen Girl Squad episode?.      

#1 30.5%
CHILDREN! Just when you thought you had it all figured out, a van with a random sound effect ran you over. Not seeing it coming is a good thing, though.
#2 16.5%
BOTTOMLESS SPIRIT PIT! Aaahhh! At least you fell for a loyal cause - your high school's football team. Go Growlbacks!
#3 12.0%
ARROWED! Ow, your skin! Looks like you want to go quickly and painfully. Although slowly would have been cooler...
#4 8.8%
CEREBELLUM'd! So that big brain got you with its deadly mind waves? James Bond's gonna have a tough time with that thing.
#5 8.5%
VOIP! You know, that robot wouldn't have zapped you if you'd gone outside or something where he couldn't find you. Hope you like barbeque, because that's how you got cooked.
#6 8.4%
NO, YOU'RE NOT! An iron weight and a sack of potatoes from the sky remind you that you're not cool. At least you don't need social skillz in Heaven! Yay!
#7 5.2%
BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT! You just gonna stand there and let some tiny alien named Thomas hit you with a bat? I'm sorry, but that's pathetic.
#8 4.8%
PUNT! You were destined to reach for the stars, and now you shall as a dinosaur kicks your butt into the ionosphere! Oh, and there's no oxygen in space. Dag, yo.
#9 3.8%
POSSUMS... That ornery mob of beasts sure can fight like badgers. That'll teach you to love nature, uh...Mr.(s)....Nature Shoes. Yeah! So there!
#10 1.6%
MSG'd! Ow, your stomach lining! Seriously, you need to watch your eating habits more carefully.

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