Survey Says: Top Alter Ego results, Personality Survey
The top 20 Alter Ego results of 18762 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Alter Ego.      

#1 22.0%
The Buddha- Calm, spiritual and generally alright guy. Nice one.
#2 11.7%
Machiavelli- Intelligent and not afraid, and a subtle revolutionist.
#3 7.7%
Gandhi- A revolutionary revolutionary. You actually do some good in the world.
#4 7.5%
Achilles- Noble, implaccable, flawed. A force to be reckoned with!
#5 6.3%
John Keats- Fantastic. Good for you.
#6 6.0%
Bob Marley- Nuff said.
#7 5.8%
Jesus- Like Buddha, only thinner. Possibly one of the most alright people ever, but perhaps somewhat misunderstood?
#8 5.3%
The Brain (as in The Pinky)- Cunning, persistent and deserving, of success. You legend.
#9 4.9%
John Cleese- Bit of a tit, but funny.
#10 4.3%
Catullus- Subversive and passionate.
#11 3.7%
Che Guevara- Hasta la vittore siempre!!!
#12 2.7%
Cleopatra- Manipulative and cunning, plus I'll bet she shagged like a minx.
#13 2.7%
Alan Rickman- Bitter Englishman, you know the type.
#14 2.4%
Jay (as in Silent Bob)- Pretty cool, but at the same time you would not want to be stuck in a room with him for too long.
#15 2.2%
William Shakespeare
#16 1.8%
Hitler- Clever, but ee-vil.
#17 1.1%
Superman/ I'm Duncan- You're a nob. Nobody really likes you because you can't be killed and you have no personality. And you wear your knickers outside your trousers. Nob.
#18 1.0%
Van Gogh- Completely nuts. Pretty bloody good though.
#19 0.6%
Maggie Thatcher- Battle Axe. People are reluctant to actually admit how good you are, because you are a nob with it.
#20 0.3%
Rasputin- You may be a bit of a bastard, but you need to be strangled, shot and thrown in a river to be killed, so you are pretty hard.

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