Survey Says: Top LOTRquiz results, Role Playing Games Survey Selectsmart.com
The top 13 LOTRquiz results of 77 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for LOTRquiz.
| #1 | 72.7%
| Gandalf | | #2 | 26.0%
| Aragorn | | #3 | 1.3%
| Elrond | | #4 | 0.0%
| Boromir | | #5 | 0.0%
| Frodo | | #6 | 0.0%
| Gimli | | #7 | 0.0%
| Gollum | | #8 | 0.0%
| Leader Urughai (spellin :S) | | #9 | 0.0%
| Legolas | | #10 | 0.0%
| Merry | | #11 | 0.0%
| Pipin | | #12 | 0.0%
| Sam | | #13 | 0.0%
| Saruman | |