The top 5 How much do you hate IT? results of 89 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for How much do you hate IT?.
#1 | 62.9%
| Oooooooooooh... you don't mind him at all... sounds like you have or had a crush on him. | |
#2 | 25.8%
| You wish he was dead... and you probably will make sure he's dead! | |
#3 | 4.5%
| He bothers you but you don't mind.. hes only one person. | |
#4 | 3.4%
| Omg! you hate him sooooo much! He should file a restraining order against your bothersome anger! | |
#5 | 3.4%
| You just plain hate him.. not that he should be dead (all though that would help) but you can put up with him for another 4 years. | |