Survey Says: Top Gormenghast Selector results, Books Survey The top 25 Gormenghast Selector results of 320 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Gormenghast Selector. Rate Survey Says (5=best, 0=poor) #1 37.2% Fuschia #2 25.0% Professor Bellgrove #3 11.9% Steerpike #4 7.2% Titus #5 3.8% Professor Fluke #6 3.4% Professor Perch-Prism #7 3.1% Barquentine #8 2.5% Doctor Prunesquallor #9 2.2% Keda #10 1.3% The Poet #11 0.9% Clarice or Cora #12 0.9% Deadyawn #13 0.6% Lord Sepulchrave #14 0.3% Swelter #15 0.0% Any of the Grey Scrubbers #16 0.0% Cora or Clarice #17 0.0% Countess Gertrude #18 0.0% Irma Prunesquallor #19 0.0% Mr Flay #20 0.0% Mr Rottcodd #21 0.0% Nannie Slagg #22 0.0% Professor Crust #23 0.0% Professor Flannelcat #24 0.0% Professor Mulefire #25 0.0% Sourdust