Survey Says: Top Gnostic Faith Selector results, Religion Survey
The top 5 Gnostic Faith Selector results of 4174 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Gnostic Faith Selector.      

#1 38.0%
Some parts of the Gnostic faith appeal to you, while others do not. Perhaps you should learn more about this faith?
#2 32.2%
You either already are a Gnostic, or are as close as one can get without being one.
#3 13.1%
Like modern Christianity, you have some influences from the Gnostic faith but not a lot. You might be interested in books on the Gnostic faith, however.
#4 10.0%
You hold nothing in common with Gnostics, stick with your current faith.
#5 6.7%
Most of the Gnostic faith is agreeable to you. It is suggested you research more, and perhaps find out more about Gnosticism, and yourself.

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