Survey Says: Top Do you Know were your towel is? results, Science Fiction Survey
Science Fiction
The top 5 Do you Know were your towel is? results of 129 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Do you Know were your towel is?.      

#1 47.3%
Do you even know what a towel is? Urk! People like you disgust me..... go and get a towel for Zarks sake!
#2 45.0%
Wow, you hoopy frood, you really know were your towel is, Ford and Rooster would be proud!
#3 3.9%
You know were you towel is dude alough you have much more to learn....
#4 3.1%
Dude you ought to get out more, there is a whole Galexy out there just waiting for a dude and their towel, you have really let me down!
#5 0.8%
Aww you soo cute, just discovering the wonders of the towel...I remember those days! The best is yet to come...

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