Survey Says: Top Do you Know were your towel is? results, Science Fiction Survey
The top 5 Do you Know were your towel is? results of 129 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Do you Know were your towel is?.      
Do you even know what a towel is? Urk! People like you disgust me..... go and get a towel for Zarks sake!
Wow, you hoopy frood, you really know were your towel is, Ford and Rooster would be proud!
You know were you towel is dude alough you have much more to learn....
Dude you ought to get out more, there is a whole Galexy out there just waiting for a dude and their towel, you have really let me down!
Aww you soo cute, just discovering the wonders of the towel...I remember those days! The best is yet to come...
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