Survey Says: Top Which Elven Lord Are You? results, Books Survey
The top 8 Which Elven Lord Are You? results of 2045 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Elven Lord Are You?.      

#1 41.3%
Beleg- You are wise, but your choice of friends may leave something to be desired. You are a strong warrior, but fate may deal you an evil hand- never wake up a sleeping friend!
#2 27.4%
Finrod- You are a true role model. You are a kind, compassionate, but incredibly brave leader of elves and men. People trust you and respect your opinion, and you will do your best to not let them down.
#3 15.4%
Fingon- You’re daring, ready to do first, tell others later. You think with your head and your heart, sometimes after you’ve taken action, but amazingly you’re still alive and whole!
#4 5.0%
Maedhros- I feel sorry for you. You’re probably trapped in a situation that doesn’t suit you at all, and you may be hurting from the past. Seek counseling.
#5 3.6%
Caranthir- You are incredibly rude when it suits you! You can be the most obnoxious jerk in the history of Arda- and you probably don’t care that I’ve said, that, you’ll just try to kill me!
#6 3.1%
Curufin-See Caranthir’s profile!
#7 2.2%
Fingolfin-When frustrated/tired/angry you will go to great and perhaps suicidal lengths to right wrongs. Other than that, you’re sane and a good role model.
#8 2.0%
Gwindor- You my friend, have gone through heck and back, by some incredible way. But the bad luck doesn’t end, you’ll lose a lot…I see-no more…Fare thee well and Eru’s mercy on you.

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