Survey Says: Top The Pharaoh Card results, Comics Survey The top 25 The Pharaoh Card results of 84 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for The Pharaoh Card. Rate Survey Says (5=best, 0=poor) #1 66.7% Penguin Soldier #2 25.0% Isis #3 2.4% Dryad #4 2.4% Neo #5 1.2% Change of Heart #6 1.2% Dark Flare Swordsman #7 1.2% Ra #8 0.0% Ancient Elf #9 0.0% Beaver Warrior #10 0.0% Bloody Angel Mary #11 0.0% Dark Elf #12 0.0% Dark Magician Girl #13 0.0% Harpie Brother #14 0.0% Harpy Lady Sister #3 (Tsubame) #15 0.0% Insect Queen #16 0.0% Lady of Faith #17 0.0% Magician of Black Chaos #18 0.0% Mystical Elf #19 0.0% Osiris #20 0.0% Shining Angel of Hope #21 0.0% Simoochi #22 0.0% Summon Skull #23 0.0% Time Wizard #24 0.0% Trap Master #25 0.0% Yami Change of Heart