Survey Says: Top Which Mythical Creature/Monster could you be? results, Mythology Survey
The top 14 Which Mythical Creature/Monster could you be? results of 43699 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Mythical Creature/Monster could you be?.      

#1 26.6%
Chimera- Fire breathing monster. Lion's head, she-goat's body and a serpents tail
#2 17.4%
Hydra- Nine-headed water snake (you sprout 2 heads where one is struck off!)
#3 12.6%
Wyvern- Winged Dragon having bird's feet and a serpent's tail
#4 10.5%
Kelpie- Water Spirit, usually a horse (you drown your riders ~cringe~)
#5 9.9%
Unicorn Unicorn-white and horse-like with a single horn (You can out wit anybody... except virgins)
#6 4.2%
Griffin/Gryphon- Eagles head and wings with a Lion's body
#7 3.6%
Cerberus- 3 headed watchdog (you Guard Hades, the Greek underworld)
#8 3.4%
Werewolf- Alternating between the form of human and wolf (Arrrooooooooo!)
#9 3.2%
Sphinx- Head of a woman and body of a lion (You kill people who can't solve your riddles!)
#10 2.7%
Cyclops- You've got a single eye on your forehead
#11 2.3%
Basilisk- A serpent, lizard or dragon that kills by it's breath or look
#12 1.9%
Phoenix- Fabulous Bird who from time to time destroys itself on a burning altar (Being then reborn from the ashes)
#13 1.0%
One of the Furies- You're a 3 winged Goddess, with serpents for hair (you punish evil-doers)
#14 0.7%
Minotaur- Eater of human flesh. Being half man- half bull (You were confined to a Labyrinth)

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