#1 | 24.7%
| Moon - Your pure without trying to be. You enjoy spending time with freinds and loved ones. You beleive in one love and most likely have already found him/her. Your connected to the element of purity, residing in the soul. Sailor Moon is you in the anime world. | |
#2 | 20.8%
| Mercury - Your intelligent and kind. Due to your sweetness people think they can walk all over you. Hidden deep inside, though, is a warrior aching to get out. You feel comfortable near water and mist. | |
#3 | 18.2%
| Jupiter - You look like a typical tomboy, with the ponytail and fighting demeanor. Deep inside you are the most girl like of all the Senshi, though. You have a love for cooking and/or flowers. You see your self as lightning, an element close to you, becuase of it's ability to strike without warning. | |
#4 | 18.2%
| Neptune - You are the most elegant of your freinds. Art and music come to your heart easily and brings happiness to your life. Intelligence comes naturally, adding to your social standing. You feel calm in the water and is most likely a good swimmer. | |
#5 | 5.2%
| Chibi Moon - Your a bubbly, happy person. Carefree by nature you make freinds easily. Stress does not effect you like others. You have a connection to Innocence, a sub-division of purity. You can fool others easily becuase of the ability. | |
#6 | 5.2%
| Pluto - You are easily effected by time. This little nusance seems to take up a lot of your space. Your distant becuase of important affairs. Freinds do not come easily, but you manage to keep close ones in spite. You also often find your self away from loved ones, causing you a slight depression. | |
#7 | 3.9%
| Saturn - You are a lonely person, not having the ability to be talkative. Most likely you are not good at sports or other physical exertion. You feel a connection to destruction, though you can't explain it. Also, the power of healing comes easily to you. | |
#8 | 2.6%
| Mars - You are the most spiritual person you know. Life takes on a different meaning to you becuase of a fire burning in your soul. You long for success and will most likely succed. Fire is a constant reminder of your determination. | |
#9 | 1.3%
| Tuxedo Mask - You are a loyal person who beleives in love highly. Your near genius, but don't show it off (or you don't know about it yet). Nature and life comfort you in times of depression. | |
#10 | 0.0%
| Uranus - You are a tomboy, ultimately. You long for speed, conecting you to the wind. You enjoy pain and the price of victory. When first met you seem cold and mean, but in reality you are the most loyal. Friendship means everything to you and you chose your freinds wisely. You have a connection with the earth, caused by power of the heavens (which have the ability to create earthquakes) | |
#11 | 0.0%
| Venus - You thrive on being famous and known to the world. You can be athletic, but more feminine than any other person you know. Your connected to the power of Love and Beauty. You easily fall in love or get crushes. Most think you are vain, and most likely this is true. | |