Religion Poll: Which Neo-Pagan path should you follow? (Revised) Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote Religion Poll: Which Neo-Pagan path should you follow? (Revised) Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Which Neo-Pagan path should you follow? (Revised)" by krynnailhenya. Translate: Choose from this list: Asatru Egyptian Pagan Judeo-Pagan Christo-Pagan Roman Pagan Numinism Druidism Greek Pagan Finnish Pagan Baltic Pagan Slavic Pagan Celtic Pagan Dianic Wicca Alexandrian Wicca Gardnerian Wicca Eclectic Pagan Mesopotamian Pagan Traditional Witchcraft Chinese Folk Religion Shinto Religious Taoism Hinduism Yoruba See the newest and search for polls here: