Video Games Poll: What's Your Strongest Ideya? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Video Games Poll: What's Your Strongest Ideya? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Video Games Poll:
What's Your Strongest Ideya? Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "What's Your Strongest Ideya?" by Anthro. Translate:
Choose from this list:
Red/Bravery - You tend to be the leader of the crowd who fears next to nothing from anyone.
Blue/Intelligence - You've got a good head on your shoulders for understanding situations, and can indulge quite fully in whatever strikes your interest, and you're generally smart, too!
Green/Maturity - The older and understanding sibling of a group, you can comfort almost anyone over any topic.
Yellow/Hope - You have the tendency to keep going despite a bad situation, and can usually talk someone's ear off given the moment to, and your also grand at being supportive.
White/Purity - Quiet, you take things in and mull them over evne if it means you react to them in the wrong fashion and often misinterpret things.
Black/Fear - You must be the one and only Donovan kalMithra. (Or Oni Dark Link.)