Anime Poll: BATTLE ROYALE SURVIVAL SURVEY Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Anime Poll: BATTLE ROYALE SURVIVAL SURVEY Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "BATTLE ROYALE SURVIVAL SURVEY" by ---Ninja killer --Pirate Roger--.

Choose from this list:

Your The First To Die ( you would be shot in the class before you got outside)

Youd live about 10 mins ( a few people would die... youd freak and get shot....hey at least you werent first to go)

you would survive day 1 (you made it day out of three but your trust or distrust threw you off)

Day 1 Possible bet (people wacthing you atg home might say you now have a slight chance of day two survival)

Day 2 contestant (no more fun and games for you you survived a good way and people lost a lil money on betting on you)

Day 2 bet (you were a likely day two survivor but you slipped along the had a good run)

day 3 kid (you made it to day three the last day...almost went the long was sad to watch you go)

day 3 bet ( you were on top and down to the end you even thought you would win...nobody saw that one bullet coming, great run)

BR sole survivor ( ditching everyone or wacthing them die did work for you, you survived all by your lonsome but SuRviVEd!!)

BR Group survivor (you stayed true to everyone and worked things out..not everyone was saved but you helped your friends survive, congradulations!!!)


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