What should I eat for dinner (or lunch or breakfast)? By Lana Hjorten
Your daily food and nutritional needs are affected by your age, sex, weight and current health, among other considerations. The purpose of this selector is to help you find the best foods for your meals today. Make your selections below, you will receive a personalized list of food recommendations.
FOOD CATEGORIES: Select any or all these food categories for your meal planning today.
1. CALORIES: What amount of calories do you prefer? (Food calories are nutrients
and supply energy to the body. We've included a personalized recommendation for your calories per day on the food descriptions page.)
Low calories
High calories
No preference
2. PROTEIN: What amount of protein do you prefer? (Protein is necessary for building and repairing cells in individuals of all ages. But too much is associated with an increased risk of high blood
cholesterol, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis).
Low protein
High protein
No preference
3. CARBOHYDRATES: What amount of carbohydrates do you prefer? (Carbohydrates are used solely for energy, although a limited amount can
be stored by the body in the liver in the form of glycogen--animal starch).
Low carbohydrates
High carbohydrates
No preference.
4. FAT: What amount of fat do you prefer? (Fats are also used for energy, but they are also important as a body
mass builder.)
Low fat
High fat
No Preference
5. CHOLESTEROL: What amount of cholesterol do you prefer? (The American Heart Association recommends that your intake of dietary cholesterol should be less
than 300 milligrams per day.)
Low cholesterol
High cholesterol
No Preference.
6. SODIUM: What amount of sodium do you prefer? (Limit daily intake of salt to 6 grams or less. -US National Academy of Sciences)
Low Sodium
High Sodium
No preference
7. FIBER: What amount of fiber do you prefer? (Fiber is vital for intestinal health and, therefore, the body’s health.
Lack of fiber is implicated in heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes and many other conditions.)
Low fiber
High fiber
No preference
8. HEART HEALTH: Would you like foods that are singled out as "heart smart"?
No preference
9. CANCER FIGHTERS: Would you like foods that are reported to prevent cancer?
No preference
10. THE COMMON COLD: Would you like foods that either prevent colds or aleviate cold symptoms?
No Preference
11. INFLUENZA: Would you like foods that either prevent the flu or aleviate flu symptoms?
No preference
12. CHILDREN: Would you prefer foods that have particular benefits for young kids? (notes)
No preferences.
13. SENIOR CITIZENS: Would you prefer foods that have particular benefits for older people?
No preferences
14. PREGNANCY & BREAST FEEDING: Would you prefer foods that are especially beneficial to pregnant and breast feeding mothers?
No preferences
15. CHOLESTEROL FIGHTERS: Would you like foods that have cholesterol lowering properties?
No preference