Ethical Philosophy Selector rating & comments page
(4.01 Stars)
With a rating of 4.01 from 1591 votes...
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Member Comment I have been banned from posting on Craigslist Forums. They claim I have no Freedom of Speech there.You can post there , for me? (See2 gonzoland's top result and/or comment posted over 7 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See2 jordanglawe's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment 100% David Hume. Reading the short description, this is very accurate. I need to read more! Interesting. I thought I was the only one who thinks the way I do. lol This is my first time reading purposefully about philosophy, although, I took a lot of psychology classes, so I\'m not clueless in this realm. (See2 heartsstarspll's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment (See2 gonzoland's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment Mine was very interesting. (See2 8bitkronik's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See2 LaunchOctopus's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment (See2 SoniMax's top result and/or comment posted over 9 years ago.)
Member Comment Nietzsche (See2 lfod's top result and/or comment posted over 9 years ago.)
Member Comment Very accurate I must say (See2 Whatevsr's top result and/or comment posted over 9 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 This was a really fun quiz even though some of it I didn't really understand but it was fun please make more!!!!!! (See2 Boobear's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 2 (See2 PiltdownMike's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 3 (See2 teetee's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Member Comment true (See2 Powell.ashley2's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See2 Powell.ashley2's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See2 Ioanna1981's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 4 (See2 Woutan's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 4 The quiz made me examine what I believed, but I feel the choices could have been phrased better. (See2 Pamla's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See2 puddin's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Member Comment Pretty close from what I can tell. (See2 zphi564's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Member Comment Very interesting. I have always admired St. Augustine. (See2 BishopTatro's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See2 einned's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Rating Score: 4 (See2 Marknov's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See2 NINid's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See2 jelka's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Member Comment Some people would persue that liberty in total disregard to others...It is essential and important..but in relation to others (See2 Nyataige's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Member Comment Helped me to start discovering myself (See2 Nyataige's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)