2024 Presidential Candidate Selector rating & comments page
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(3.11 Stars)
With a rating of 3.11 from 846 votes...
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Member Comment Alan, You might want to post your views here. http://www.selectsmart.com/DISCUSS That will give you additional exposure. You will need to log-in and create account. (See2 Editor's top result and/or comment posted over 5 years ago.)
Member Comment Please be on the lookout for an email directly from me, with 2020 answers and a current headshot. (See2 AlanAugustson's top result and/or comment posted over 5 years ago.)
Member Comment I did take the 2020 selector quiz, but I cannot tell if my answers were saved. (See2 AlanAugustson's top result and/or comment posted over 5 years ago.)
Member Comment Alan, We included you in the 2008 edition selector: http://www.selectsmart.com/president/2008/Augustson.html Are these your views still? You might look at the 2020 presidential candidate selector and update your stances based on the current questions/issues. (See2 Editor's top result and/or comment posted over 5 years ago.)
Member Comment So... how exactly does a declared Presidential candidate get into the Candidate Selector Quiz? (laughing) --best wishes, Alan Augustson, Green Party candidate (See2 AlanAugustson's top result and/or comment posted over 5 years ago.)
Member Comment But, is the world better off with such hate? Join Craigslist forums and help them heal. I'm banned. thanks g. (See2 gonzoland's top result and/or comment posted over 7 years ago.)
Member Comment gonzoland, If Craiglist is going to act like that and say such things, you are better off without them! (See2 Mortal Man's top result and/or comment posted over 7 years ago.)
Member Comment I was thrown off Craigslist forum. On Veterans Day. someone said I wasn't a vet. and should join those who committed suicide. (See2 gonzoland's top result and/or comment posted over 7 years ago.)
Member Comment Trump. leader of the Ugly Americans.a winner , I don't think so. a technical win? (See2 gonzoland's top result and/or comment posted over 7 years ago.)
Member Comment It is not too late to petition members of the Electoral College. Join in. Let's honor the vote. (See2 gonzoland's top result and/or comment posted over 7 years ago.)
Member Comment Seems accurate, though I would have liked to see results for everyone, i.e. Bernie Sanders to see how he compared to Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton. (See2 zachscully's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment Casualboy, Thanks for the suggestion. You are correct that he's no longer a Democratic candidate but Webb is running as an independent now. Since your comment, I made note of that on Webb's "More Info" section on the results page. (See2 Editor's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment Should probably remove Jim Webb (See2 Casualboy's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment Just a discrepancy in the marijuana topic- DECRIMINALIZATION is what allows patients to access medical marijuana through prescriptions without making weed available to the general public. LEGALIZATION would make marijuana fully available to the general public, given that they meet any other standard requirements such as age. These words were not used correctly in the poll. (See2 BBBBBBBB's top result and/or comment posted over 9 years ago.)
Rating Score: 2 (See2 MIKEMCD77's top result and/or comment posted over 9 years ago.)
Member Comment I got Jeb Bush (56%) (See2 Sirfranco4's top result and/or comment posted over 9 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See2 crazyartfreak's top result and/or comment posted over 9 years ago.)
Rating Score: 2 (See2 DanRoc's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 3 Interesting , but could include more candidates (See2 teetee's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Member Comment I got Christie, and generally align with moderate republicans according to this, but I've always considered myself a libertarian leaning towards the democrat's platform. (See2 B00BS's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Member Comment I align with all the democrats, though Biden wouldn't be my 1st choice (See2 argrett's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Member Comment Cuomo? That seems like a logical match for me. (See2 Mortal Man's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)