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Legitimate polling after the verdict is not looking good for Trump
Fact Check by Curt_Anderson     June 1, 2024 2:03 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (4 comments) [69 views]

Okay. So let me get this straight... The trial was a TRAVESTY?
Crime by Ponderer     May 31, 2024 2:45 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (13 comments) [147 views]

Musical interlude
Music by Indy!     May 31, 2024 9:34 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (5 comments) [132 views]

The facts and quotes in this article would make a good campaign ad exposing Trump's cruelty and hypocrisy.
Politics by Curt_Anderson     June 1, 2024 3:29 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: (0 comments) [28 views]

Norm McDonald
Comics by Indy!     May 31, 2024 8:46 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: (0 comments) [15 views]

Politics by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 9:02 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (6 comments) [51 views]

So... How do you think it all went?
Crime by Ponderer     May 30, 2024 5:35 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (11 comments) [111 views]

Daily Mail Poll: Trump Support Rises After Guilty Verdict
Media by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 1:10 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (1 comments) [24 views]

Joe Manchin leaves the Democratic Party, files as independent
Politics by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 11:05 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (4 comments) [31 views]

Remember how much progressives loved Joe's State of the Union speech? His 538 approval in lower than before
President by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 7:27 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (4 comments) [34 views]

History selectors, pages, etc.
Thanks for the list, olde dude!
By Ponderer
February 1, 2023 8:26 am
Category: History

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I appreciate this list that you found and posted. It's nice and concise and quite informative. I wonder if it is a complete list though. I'm sure it wouldn't be, if all those points were removed or "revised".

It's easy to see why the racist white patriarchy in this country doesn't want black students to learn about the authors, their work, or other things mentioned in this list. I can see why it scares the living shitt out of them, what with their existential racial paranoia and all.

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Comments on "Thanks for the list, olde dude!":

  1. by Curt_Anderson on February 1, 2023 8:52 am
    What list?

  2. by Ponderer on February 1, 2023 8:57 am
    Isn't it showing at the bottom of my opening post...? I can see and open it.

  3. by Curt_Anderson on February 1, 2023 9:01 am
    My bad. Now I see it. I thought you were referring to some other post.

  4. by oldedude on February 1, 2023 4:21 pm
    Donna- I think if you only look at the subject and not the references, it's easy to say that. The references are more pointed about being able to demonstrate or become part of the woke movement. The feeling in the state (as seen by the last landslide election) is that schools should be teaching to read, write, and do math. The parents have the responsibility of most of the rest. If the parents want the kid woke. That's fine. It's up to them. But it's not part of the curriculum.

  5. by Donna on February 1, 2023 7:59 pm

    You should have directed that at Ponderer; she's the one who started this topic thread.

    But I did read through that critique from the FBOE, and when I saw that it mentioned that Angela Davis was a communist, I knew that the rest of the critique was going to have a right-wing bias.

  6. by oldedude on February 2, 2023 5:54 am
    It's words out of her mouth. Not his.

    "Angela Yvonne Davis (born January 26, 1944) is an American political activist, philosopher, academic, and author. She is a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Ideologically a Marxist and feminist, Davis was a longtime member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and a founding member of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS). She is the author of more than ten books on class, gender, race, and the U.S. prison system."

    She also ran for political office as a Communist (see video).
    View Video

  7. by HatetheSwamp on February 2, 2023 6:00 am

    Back in Angie's heyday, it was the thing to be brazen about commie. It was fashionable. It was chic. But, not no more.

  8. by oldedude on February 2, 2023 6:20 am
    They even changed their name to "Social Democrats." It diverts the attention away from the truth.

  9. by HatetheSwamp on February 2, 2023 6:47 am

    I think that Angela's commie and Donna's "social democrat" are, essentially, the same thing.

  10. by Donna on February 2, 2023 9:03 am

    od: So? Are you saying that Angeka Davis doesn't have the right to be a communist?

  11. by HatetheSwamp on February 2, 2023 9:38 am


    I'm positive OD ain't sayin that. Ours is the party of openness and inclusion and tolerance and diversity, acceptance and...FREETHINKING.

  12. by oldedude on February 2, 2023 1:46 pm
    Donna- you're deflecting. Simple as that. You KNOW I'm not saying that. I proved your point inaccurate and you changed the subject. Nice try, no teddy bear for you.

  13. by Donna on February 3, 2023 7:40 am

    So what's the problem with Angela Davis being a communist then? Why was that included mentioned in FL dept of ed's critique?

  14. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 8:29 am

    "So what's the problem with Angela Davis being a communist then?" -Donna

    Nothing. It's mere obfuscation. They hate everything she did as a civil rights champion and want to keep her views from impressionable young black ears.

  15. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 8:52 am

    Nothing. It's mere obfuscation. They hate everything she did as a civil rights champion and want to keep her views from impressionable young black ears.


    pb effin loves it when your delusions of omnipotence slither into the light.

    A blast from the past. Thanks a ton!

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha, ahhhhhhhhhhh!

  16. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 9:11 am

    Sorry, Bill. Please forgive me.

    I sometimes forget that only you are ever allowed to think that you're right about something.

  17. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 9:27 am


    Go ahead, po. Think you're right. Just don't splain to me the inner workings of my mind in being wrong. You can't get inside my brain. And, trust me. You'd want to get out if you ever were there.

  18. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 10:30 am

    You're right. I'm sorry. I'm bounding over my steps.

    I should keep still and let you work out the realization of how wrong you are in your own time and in your own way.

    God how I wish you luck, Bill.

  19. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 10:31 am

    "You can't get inside my brain." -Hate

    Apparently, nothing that hasn't been filtered through Fox News ever can.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 10:34 am


    It would be within bounds for you to splain what I'm wrong about.

  21. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 11:03 am

    Again, forgive me, Bill. I thought this was the thread in which you were suggesting there was Democratic election fraud that cheated Trump out of the presidency. I was wrong.

    But since you asked in this thread for an example of your being wrong, your insistence that Trump lost the election because of anything having to do with Democratic election fraud is wrong, if you really want a good one.

  22. by HatetheSwamp on February 3, 2023 11:12 am


    It's your thread. Read the effin title.

    But since you asked in this thread for an example of your being wrong, your insistence that Trump lost the election because of anything having to do with Democratic election fraud is wrong, if you really want a good one.

    pb ain't insisting anything. pb's seen the evidence of the Dem fraud but he's been saying since before Clouseau placed his hand on the Bible, that there's no way to know who'd have won an honest election.

  23. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 11:20 am

    There's a word for people like you who see things that don't exist, Bill.

    deluded [ dih-loo-did ]
    1. entertaining a false belief or opinion; mistaken or deceived in mind or judgment: While some deluded commentators welcomed this as "fantastic news," the rest of us were seriously upset.

    And again, you have never once ever presented any piece of actual evidence whatsoever that the 2020 election was in any way "dishonest". (Again, see definition of you above)

  24. by oldedude on February 3, 2023 11:54 am
    po, You mean like TDS?

  25. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 2:19 pm

    I was talking in a general sort of way about Trump's Delusional Sycophants, yes. Quite perceptive of you, od.

  26. by oldedude on February 3, 2023 3:37 pm
    I was talking about your Trump Derangement Syndrome. But you knew that and decided to do a "gotcha" just to feed your fragile ego. 'cause you have to win to feed it.

  27. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 3:50 pm

    Okay then, olde dude. You win.

  28. by Ponderer on February 3, 2023 3:51 pm

    Eat hearty!

  29. by oldedude on February 3, 2023 10:40 pm
    I don't need to "win." You need to feel like you are worth something. I know what I've done and what I haven't. So do you... which is a shame. To yourself. To your family. To society.

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