Survey Says: Top What emotion are you? results, Personality Survey
The top 6 What emotion are you? results of 14766 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What emotion are you?.      

#1 40.3%
Hope - ^_^ - You are the emotion left in pandoras box, needed to thrive in life. Without you, we would have nothing! Always have hope. ~_-
#2 16.2%
Love - <3 - You are possibly one of the greatest emotions ever. Though love can lift you up, and drop you down, thats life, and you can make millions of people happy. Good luck! *-*
#3 14.4%
Sadness - ^*_^- You are an emotion that is hard, and lonely. Maybe you should talk to your friends a bit more, and be alone a bit less. Try to cheer up...things will get better! But without a tear, we wouldnt be truly happy. :*-(
#4 10.2%
Surprise -^o^-You are an emotion that is shocked by small things and big. For good things, dont be suprised, you're a good person. For bad, everyone is a little suprised! :o
#5 9.5%
Anger - ^C^You are an emotion that likes to act on bad circumstances. Try to calm down, and talk to the person instead. Remember, anger can easily turn into happyness! >_<
#6 9.3%
Happyness - ^-~ -This is a great emotion. Being happy, and nice to all can make a lot of peoples lives better. :)

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