Survey Says: Top How much anime do you watch? results, Philosophy Survey
The top 6 How much anime do you watch? results of 407 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for How much anime do you watch?.      

#1 37.1%
HARD CORE! Your Anime video library resembles Batman's lair, you look for anime videos like you had a missing vital organ and subtitles don't bother you...
#2 24.1%
Dubbed Films library-wow... you actually found it facinating enough to get vidoes and collect them... but you think that subtitles are a bother so that limits your number of anime you get...
#3 19.4%
Cartoon Network/Toonami-anime is good an all but you wouldn't get all FANATIC about it...
#4 12.8%
Blockbuster-you thought it cool on the TV and thought it would be nice to see if Blockbuster had anyother movies... but you wouldn't actually waste enough money on it to buy some tapes...
#5 5.4%
Pokemon-you only know what's popular and absolutely hypnotizing enough to make you watch it...
#6 1.2%
The closet you've ever come to anime is that one Bugs Bunny Cartoon set during WW2

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