Survey Says: Top A personality test (for girls) results, Personality Survey
The top 7 A personality test (for girls) results of 15871 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for A personality test (for girls).      

#1 39.2%
Hey, you’re a geek! You like playing really stupid card games and video games. You’ve probably never held a boyfriend for very long (if you’ve ever had one) and you barely have any friends. Hey, it’d not our fault you wear high waters. Besides, having a few geeky friends is better than being a loner, right?
#2 19.1%
You are a good person. You love animals, and you love helping others. You can be shy at times, but you are usually an outspoken person, and nothing will bring you down! You like to try many different things, and your style is your own. You have some caring friends and a good family, congrats!
#3 17.3%
You’re very girly-girl. You have many admirers, and you like to flirt around. You’re always the center of attention, probably stepping on everyone to get what you want. You only care about the way you look and how others see you. You tend to shop a lot… perhaps too much. You’ve had quite a few boyfriends, but none of them you really care about. You’re convinced that people love you, when they probably hate you in secret.
#4 11.2%
You are a bit depressed. You only have a few friends, and you probably don’t open up to many of them. You don’t like the way you look, so you make yourself as invisible as possible, not wanting any attention. You don’t really understand the world around you, and try to figure it out in many different ways. You may be very artistic, whether it’s drawing or writing, even both.
#5 9.0%
You are your own person. You wear whatever you want, whenever you want, as long as you’re comfortable. You may have a few friends, but maybe only one really close friend. You try to help people out as much as possible, but sometimes fail. You can be shy at times, but try to stay together. You are a very reliable person. There’s someone out there who really likes you!
#6 3.4%
You are a wild thing, oh yes! You make people take a few steps back when you walk into the room. They can tell you’re out for some fun, and don’t want to get in your way. You probably scare some people, but you also have a lot of friends. Your style changes all the time, and that’s the way you like it!
#7 0.8%
You are psycho, yaaaay! You have small voices in you rhead telling you things to do, and you swear that squirelle stalks you. You might have a few friends, but they’re probably just as psycho as you are! Almost everyone is afraid of you, and you might even have a few admirers… I bet you’re a fan of bondage.

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