Survey Says: Top Which Rent song describes your life? results, Music Survey
The top 12 Which Rent song describes your life? results of 1252 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Rent song describes your life?.      

#1 9.3%
La Vie Boheme: Bohemian, perhaps?
#2 9.0%
Over the Moon: Either you are veryanti-yuppie scum (and an activist) or you just like to moo
#3 4.7%
Another Day: When people barge into your apartment asking you out, you usually yell at them.
#4 4.6%
What You Own: You realized you're doing something really stupid
#5 4.5%
#6 4.0%
Rent: You're in trouble, but you don't care, cuz you're not gonna PAY!
#7 2.7%
Santa Fe: You'd like to go out west. You hear there are some great resteraunts out west.
#8 2.3%
Out Tonight: You like to go out, you can't sleep in this city of neon and chrome cuz it feels to damn much like home. Meooooow!
#9 0.4%
One Song Glory: You're sad, you're about to die, and ya want some glory
#10 0.2%
Take Me or Leave Me: You want people to take you for who you are because there will always be women in rubber
#11 0.1%
Tango: Maureen: You like to either meet you girlfriends current girlfriend and talk about them (and help them fix your ex's equipment)
#12 0.0%
Light My Candle: You like to flirt, and you live at bar, and constantly drop your stash at other peoples apartments.

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