Politics Poll: Dictatorship Styles SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Politics Poll: Dictatorship Styles SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
PoliticsPolitics Poll: Dictatorship Styles
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Dictatorship Styles" by SumWon.

Choose from this list:

Corrupt Kleptocrat (Batista, Trujillo): You and your family own most of the country (and if not, why not?), exploiting the people solely for personal gain.

New Monarchical Dynasty (Bokassa, Napoleon III): After gaining power either through a coup de ta or an election (rigged or otherwise), declare a new dynasty, name yourself Emperor, begin fulfilling the Nation's nationalistic and territorial needs.

Theocracy (Ayatollah, Mohammed Zia-ul Haq): Your country is ruled by religion, with you deciding the details. Best to stick truely to the state religion, as it is your main source of legitimacy.

Nationalist Despot (Antonescu, Saddam Hussein): Your rule is based on 2 things, improving the Nation territorialy and militarily, and absolute power for you.

Extreme Fascist (der Fuhrer, il Duce): You rule absolutely, the Nation at your disposal to fulfill your personal Ideology, for example exterminating half of humanity. Just don't invade Russia. Just don't.

Communist Vanguard Party Leader (Stalin, Josip Broz Tito, Castro (Both)): You have at your disposal a command economy, ready to be commanded. To ensure the Nation does not collapse in on itself, mercilessly purge the bureaucracy of all fat ticks enriching themselves at the Nation's expense (do NOT purge the officer corp). How much freedom you allow your citizens can range from Stalin's brutal, purge-happy totalitarian policies to Tito's mostly benevolent and flexible rule.

Fake Democracy (Hugo Chavez, Vadamir Putin): Once you've been sworn in as Head of State, start slowly increasing your powers by fooling the electorate into agreeing to constitutional amendments with lots of loopholes. Alternatively, simply rule Russia.

Junta (Galtieri, Haile Mariam): Mix of Corrupt Kleptocrat and Nationalistic Despot. In this system, you share Power with several others.


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