Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 14 Which Animagus Form Would You Have? results of 76105 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Animagus Form Would You Have?.

#1 22.4%
Owl - Wisdom, Truth, Patience
#2 20.2%
Eagle - Success, Prosperity, Wealth
#3 14.6%
Hawk - Messenger of the sky, Observer
#4 9.0%
Wolf - Loyalty, Success, Perseverence, Stability, Thought, Teacher, Pathfinder
#5 8.5%
Crane - Solitude, Independence
#6 4.8%
Deer - Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Gracefulness, Sensitivity
#7 4.6%
Alligator - Aggression, Survival, Adaptability
#8 4.4%
Coyote - Prankster, Insight, Playful, Sarcastic
#9 3.3%
Snake - Shrewdness, Transformation, Cunning
#10 2.9%
Fox - Cunning, Provider, Intelligence
#11 1.6%
Elk - Strength, Agility, Freedom, Power, Nobility
#12 1.5%
Horse - Stamina, Mobility, Strength, Power, Love, Devotion, Loyalty
#13 1.4%
Swan - Grace, Balance, Innocence
#14 0.8%
Cougar - Leadership, Courage, Power, Swiftness, Balance

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