Please Report Broken Or Missing Images.The top 25 Democratic Senator Selector 2004 results of 1499 participants.

Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Democratic Senator Selector 2004.

#1 26.6%
Ernest "Fritz" Hollings (South Carolina)
#2 22.7%
Daniel Inouye (Hawaii)
#3 12.3%
Zell Miller (Georgia)
#4 9.7%
Edward "Ted" Kennedy (Massachusetts)
#5 6.8%
Dianne Feinstein (California)
#6 5.2%
Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
#7 5.1%
Blanche Lincoln (Arkansas)
#8 2.8%
John Breaux (Louisiana)
#9 1.9%
Charles E. "Chuck" Schumer (New York)
#10 1.3%
Hillary Rodham Clinton (New York)
#11 1.2%
Max Baucus (Montana)
#12 0.9%
C. William "Bill" Nelson (Florida)
#13 0.8%
Joseph Biden (Delaware)
#14 0.6%
Robert C. Byrd (West Virginia)
#15 0.5%
Christopher Dodd (Connecticut)
#16 0.5%
Richard "Dick" Durbin (Illinois)
#17 0.4%
Evan Bayh (Indiana)
#18 0.3%
John F. Kerry (Massachusetts)
#19 0.3%
Joseph Lieberman (Connecticut)
#20 0.1%
Tom Harkin (Iowa)
#21 0.0%
Harry Reid (Nevada)
#22 0.0%
John D. "Jay" Rockefeller IV (West Virginia)
#23 0.0%
Jon Corzine (New Jersey)
#24 0.0%
Robert "Bob" Graham (Florida)
#25 0.0%
Thomas Daschle (South Dakota)

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