Explain how to find the least common denominator to add/subtract fractions with unlike denominators
You will do this for EACH fraction
Do the fractions have the same denominator?
| NO
Find the factors for each denominator (use a multiplication chart if necessary).
Circle the smallest number they both have in common.
Is the denominator the same as the common number circled?
Leave the fraction alone.
add or subtract the numerators and keep the same denominator
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Create an equivalent fraction where the denominator is the same as the common number circled.
| NO
Check the 2nd fraction, is the denominator the same as the common number circled?
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Figure out what number can be multiplied by the denominator so it is equal to the common number circled.
Leave the fraction alone.
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Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number
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This is your new equivalent fraction.
Rewrite your new equation and solve.
Make sure you did this for BOTH fractions.
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