Now Trending In Philosophy Category

Member-made Philosophy Selectors:

  1. The Celestine Prophecy Drama
  2. Inglehart cultural ideology selector
  3. Philosophy of Religion
  4. Existentialism, Absurdism or Nihilism?
  5. What is your stance on meta-ethics?
  6. Which famous philosopher do you most agree with?
  7. Are you an antisemite?
  8. What philosopher/philosophy do you most closely agree with?
  9. Are you a Fascist?
  10. Alignment test
  11. Classical Philosophy Selector
  12. Philotypes(TM:-)
  13. Do you deserve to die?
  14. What is your Enneagram type?
  15. Which famous philosopher do you most agree with? (Revised)
  16. Choose your favorite metaphysician
  17. Whats your ethical philosophy?
  18. Political Philosopher Selector
  19. What Kind Of Mind Do I Have?
  20. The Purple Selector (Revised)

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