This quiz tests Are you Vincent obsessed?? Yes, Vincent Valentine is that guy from FF7. -_-;;; Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Are you Vincent obsessed?? by Kess Reignheart.
Test your knowledge of:
Yes, Vincent Valentine is that guy from FF7. -_-;;;

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you know who Vincent Valentine is?
True False

Did you also know he was a Turk?
True False

Do his crimson eyes bother you?
True False

Have you ever made up a poem that involved Vincent?
True False

Have you ever written a Final Fantasy VII fan fic that was just about Vincent or that he was a major part of?
True False

Have you ever dressed up as Vincent? (Turk too.)
True False

And if you dressed up as him, did you even act in character? (It's hard! I've tried.)
True False

Do you have any Vincent paraphernalia?
True False

Do you have a lot of Vincent paraphernalia?
True False

Do you own any Vincent doujinshi's? (fan comics)
True False

If the ShinRa Mansion were a real place, would you actually try to live there?
True False

Have you ever constructed Vincent's claw? (Kudos to those who have, it's freaking hard!)
True False

Do you aim to someday be something equivilant to a Turk? (i.e. :Goverment agent, contract killer, full blown assassin)
True False

Are you already one of the above??
True False

Have you ever dyed your hair black and gotten red contacts that you wear daily?
True False

Do your friends groan when you mention Vincent? (from Raven)
True False

Do you say about way too many people that "he looks like Vincent"? (from Raven)
True False

Do you aspire to or have an extensive gun collection solely based on your obsession?
True False

Do you insist your boyfriend (or girlfiend) wear a red bandana?
True False

Do you really like the Don McLean song "Vincent" because to you it really does sound like he's talking about Vincent? (Really, it does!)
True False

Do you have fanart gallery with over 150 Vincent pics? (Like me.. ::is way too obsessed:: @.@)
True False

Would you ever consider getting your arm removed to actually get the claw grafted on??
True False

Do you act like Vincent on a daily basis? (quiet, unemotional, aloof, etc.)
True False

And finally!! Are you going to name your first child Vincent, even if it's a girl?!
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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