This quiz tests Dreamer's Realm Character Selector Ardo Raikou Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Dreamer's Realm Character Selector by Raikou Tategami.
Test your knowledge of:
Ardo Raikou

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you a girl that likes girls or a boy that likes boys? (No offense to those who do. ^^;)
True False

Could you be described as "Dark and Morbid"?
True False

Were you born under the Fire element?
True False

If there was something you truly, madly, terribly wanted, but had no money for it, would you steal it?
True False

Do you believe in black magic(or any kind of magic for that matter)?
True False

Would you sacrifice yourself for a friend or loved one?
True False

Do you fall in love easily?
True False

Are you an artist?
True False

Were you born under the water element?
True False

Is your best friend an animal?
True False

Can you be annoyed easily?(i.e. If someone called you a name, would you cry hysterrically and run away?)
True False

Do you love your parents?
True False

If someone hurt you, would you want to get revenge on them?
True False

Are you quiet and isolated most of the time?
True False

Do you like building and making stuff?
True False

Can you be described as "Jinxed"?
True False

Were you born under the Earth element?
True False

Are you easy to persuade or convince?
True False

Would you prefer soft, relaxing music to rap and other loud music?
True False

Are you a girl(yes) or a boy(no)?
True False

Are you a true blue friend that can be trusted with secrets and other things like that?
True False

Are you a tomboy? (If you're female, of course.)
True False

Were you born under the air element?
True False

And lastly...Do you enjoy hashbrowns? (I MUST KNOW!!!)
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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