This quiz tests Princess the Hopeful Invocation Selector Lacrima Role Playing Games Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Role Playing Games IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Princess the Hopeful Invocation Selector by TheLunacorva.
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Good Music requires Counterpoint: A Bell or Drum shouldn’t play second fiddle to anyone but work together to create a grand orchestra with their friends. Glory should be shared, victories savored with each other, and no one should take the top billing of the show without acknowledging the others. This does not mean you need to lose yourself to a collectivist mindset and no longer have a sense of individuality. Every great piece of music is made up of parts. Take away the bridge of the song, or the Mender of a particular Nakama, and the song is no longer itself. Take away the chorus and you might not even recognize a song you’ve known all of your life.This said, a single note a song does not make. So play off each other. Your identity need not be as simple as ‘Student Council President’ or ‘The Pretty Cheerleader who fights darkness on the side.’ A Bell or Drum’s sense of self often, if not always, spreads out to their friends as well. They are the ones who take great pride in being called a best friend. They are never happier than when someone comes to them for comfort or asks them out for a date. The Bardic Queen believes that these relationships are what will save the world. Your allies are your greatest strength, your friends your strongest allies. It won’t be a singular powerful Noble who wins the day. The true heroes that will strike the final blow against the heart of darkness will be a nakama who live, breath, and think like one and can’t be anything short of that. The final weapon that will purify the world won’t be the blade of one, ...but rather the hearts of many.
True False

Until the Curtain Call: One does not simply listen to the first five seconds of a performance and decide on whether or not it was worth it. Much like the phrase “The Show Must Go On” so should those who follow the Bardic Queen follow their ideas and convictions until it is impossible to do so. More importantly, they should become the backdrop in which her Nakama can do the same. They are every bit as important as you after all. You and your allies should know the phrase ‘Never give up, never surrender’ when it comes to your goals but also kindly remind yourselves that retreating to come and fight another day isn’t exactly giving up but sometimes advancing in the other direction. A Bell or Drum should be the first person to offer help and the last person to accept that someone’s idea just isn’t worth the time. After all, lone wolf stories are simply fairytales. The wolves that trek alone are just very lonely, and oftentimesoften times very dead pups.
True False

The Reverb of a Single Action: The Bardic Queen knows and shares the idea that no single action done is insignificant. Many people call this “the butterfly effect,” she likes to call it “common sense.” The simplest of gestures can lead to the biggest things. A Key shouldn’t be afraid that his simple action of making tea for his friend while they struggle through the aftermaths of a night terror isn’t helping, for years later when the man’s skin is melting as he slumbers, he’ll wake up and make himself some tea. And it will help. A Bell knows that simply starting up a conversation between the two bad bitches of school whowhom ripped off each other’s false eyelashes may end up with the creation of two inseparable girls. A Drum understands that sometimes the major divide between the jock and the nerd is that the jock has never played Dungeons and Dragons before and that sometimes, just sometimes, the ultimate tragedy of the Sswords (the Queen jokes), a loveless marriage, can be avoided simply by actually speaking up when someone asks if anyone has anything to say during the ceremony.
True False

The Heart Beats On Without You: The heart cannot be controlled like limbs can. Emotions come and go like the weather. If you aren’t ready for them, they will destroy you faster. Try to ignore them, and you’ll never fix the damage they’ve caused. This is a double message from the Brazen Queen, that emotions are neither something that you can allow free reign over your body nor something that you can hope to defeat without destroying yourself in the process.
True False

Behind Walls Of Hesitation Lie Allies: Ardents are not the only ones dealing with emotions. There are many reasons why people can’t bring themselves to join the fight of Nobles, and most often they are intangible. The Queen of Brass bids her followers to walk others down the same path as their own, helping people find the courage to stand up and act, whether it be joining the fight for social reform, finding the will to fight back against their own depression, or simply tell their loved ones how they really feel.
True False

Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Taken: The best person you can be is never someone else. It is always a version of yourself. You can learn from other people, but imitating them defeats progress. Strive to be better than your idols, not as good as them. Never lose sight of yourself even when you spend a lifetime helping others understand themselves. One cannot expect to be able to lead others down their own paths if they have not yet walked their own.
True False

“Good Enough” Seldom Is: Laurels ain’t made to be rested on. An Exemplar should never settle for “good enough” – she should always strive to be better than she is, to push beyond the barriers imposed by herself and society. If there’s something about yourself you don’t like, change it. If there’s something you want to do, but don’t have the skill, learn it. Be a beacon for others by stoking the flame within yourself first – as a wise man once said, “if you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change”. Self-improvement is a journey without end, and the runner’s high is often the sweetest of all.
True False

Remember Thou Art Mortal: There’s a big difference between taking pride in your achievements – which Laurels encourages – and letting it go to your head. Arrogance is the enemy of self-improvement: there’s always someone better than you, and you should be striving to meet their level rather than bragging about the one you’re at. Even then, nobody’s perfect, not even your heroes; that’s why you need to acknowledge your flaws so you can work towards overcoming them. If you fail, don’t be discouraged. Learn from your mistakes so you can avoid them when you try again.There’s a second meaning to this principle, as well: you’re mortal, so don’t work yourself to death. Burning the candle at both ends isn’t healthy and isn’t conducive to self-improvement. Sometimes you need to know when to step back from climbing Everest – not to abandon what you’re doing, but to have a break. Rest. Eat. Take care of yourself. The mountain will still be there when you get back.
True False

Victory Breeds More Victors: The happiest day in a Contender’s life is when someone they’ve inspired surpasses them in turn, as not only does it mean they’ve made someone else better with their example, but they now have a new benchmark to aim for themselves. With their victories, they spark the ambition and drive that others need to pursue their dreams, and thus is the world made brighter for all.
True False

Many stars make a constellation.In each of us, there is a potential for a light to shine. But that light goes through different experiences as it grows, making each light have a very different perspective. This is why we have the Courts: because each has a different view of how best to apply the Light to the world. This doesn’t just apply to Nobles: the Awakened, the Uratha, even the Begotten. All peoples have all sorts of different views on how best to use their gifts.With so many different viewpoints, it can make it very easy for people to enter an echo chamber and only work with those who share similar viewpoints. That’s what the Kingdoms of old did, and look where that got them in the end. Those who follow the Lord of the Open Hand are expected to entreat as many different viewpoints and philosophies in their works as possible, for it is through the work of so many different hands that the end result truly shines. However, that doesn’t mean they have to be rash about it. Viewpoints that are extremely toxic or dangerous to others, such as those who serve the Darkness, are not to be trusted at the speaking table, and too many viewpoints at once means nothing will get done, especially if any of those viewpoints are in direct opposition to one another.There is a second meaning to this philosophy. Our world is a divided one. Almost 200 mortal countries exist on Earth, and who knows how many supernatural ones exist alongside them? And of those countries, it is rare they get along without some form of leverage over each other. But these borders between us were imagined by men and women that lived centuries ago. More connects us than separates us. We all live under the same night sky, after all. So, the Probes must work to bring the people of the world closer together, like billions of stars coming together to form a galaxy. Each individually beautiful, but together making something more.
True False

Chart the night sky.The Darkness is one of the closest things we have to evil in this world, but it is not the only threat to humanity. Ancient warlocks with egos so big they became embodiments of tyranny itself, mad gods who kidnap mortals and twist them into grotesque mockeries of their former selves, even an alien empire from Mars born from the belief they didn’t exist. The threats facing humanity are innumerable, and have all kinds of origins. So, the Trailblazers have to seek out their holes in the hidden places of the world untouched by the Light or the Darkness. To ignore such things would be the height of hubris.There is a brighter side to this philosophy, though. Not all other powers not of the Light are against humanity. The Werewolf pack defending the neighborhood from a swarm of murder spirits, the Vampire who limits his feeding to blood donors or animals, the Changeling who scares a child away from a battle with a True Fae. Each has the potential to be a boon for humanity rather than a bane, but the instincts that come with their power might twist them into becoming a bane if they are left alone. That is where we must intervene. We must learn about and intervene with these potential allies not of the Light, to further aid peoples of all kinds and keep reaching for the stars.
True False

Find the light in the darkness.People are a lot like stars. There's plenty all around you and all have the light in some form or another. But like the night sky, many people's light is difficult to see, due to it being blanketed over by layers of the darkness. What led these lights to hide within the darkness is a question that can have many answers. Perhaps they hide the light in fear of it being extinguished, or because they're so used to living in the dark that they have resigned themselves to never showing it. Some rip and tear at themselves and others, never realizing how much good they could do if they didn't let the darkness eat away at them. Like the stars one cannot see with the naked eye alone, the light within some people may need special aid, or extra attention paid to them to truly find the light within them. It may take time and effort, but it's all worthwhile so long as their brilliance is not devoured by the cold darkness.However, the Lord of the Open Hand is not blind to the potential for darkness in people’s hearts. He knows it all too well, and so urges caution in the Probes. A man may lie to a Trailblazer about making good choices out of shame or desperation. And, unfortunately, some people just don’t have any desire to do good at all. They relish being the bad guy. So a Noble has to be ready for those situations, for when there is not enough light in another’s heart for it to grow and outshine the darkness.
True False

“Forgiveness is a beautiful thing.”People sin everyday. Sometimes, it’s petty things, a spot of littering out of convenience, lying to avoid getting chewed out at work. Sometimes, however, it is much more major. Creating a tainted place, cheating on a spouse, murder. Saints tend to offer a chance at redemption for all kinds from sins, both the small and large ones. They aren’t stupid about this, there are always people who will refuse to ever to be better, and forgiveness does not mean the sins you have commited are erased. A murderer who repents should still serve his sentence. However, everyone deserves a chance to be better.
True False

“Acceptance should be freely offered.”There are many, many kinds of people in the world who don’t quite fit in sometimes. Saints hold up an ideal of accepting differences, from sexual orientation, to race, to gender expression. This can ever extend to more...unusual conditions. A vampire may be a bloodsucking corpse, but there is still a person there. Stopping them from victimizing others is,others, is of course, necessary, but they might still be able to stop themselves if they get the right push.
True False

“Punishment should always be given due consideration.”People do the wrong thing, and thus, people need punishment. However, an unfair punishment solves nothing, brings no justice to the world. Therefore, Saints endeavour to make sure their sentences fit the crime. Bringing Light into the world requires no less.
True False

Consider Your HandEvery day, the world draws and discards. Political movements come and go. Lives change. The news directs people’s minds any which way. And different people need different acts of kindness that could change their lives. True, we canwe always can always try to change the world from scratch. You might even succeed. Why not work with what you have though? That mnemosyne will leave his fortified taint for groceries, that bully will be in straits where you can repay his cruelty with kindness, and the news will show a story that will get the voting public interested in an issue you find important. Sometimes, that opportunity is just a ripe chance to get someone else’s project that last little bit over the hill. A Gambler is always ready to look around and see what opportunities exist to change the world.
True False

Don’t Be Afraid to Raise“I changed the world by playing it safe.” said nobody ever. Battles worth fighting usually have a cost associated with losing. You’re here to win though, and while you may not always win, if you’re smart, you can win more often than you lose, and make a big splash on the world. Where there is risk, there is often a great reward. That being said, don’t press the button that has a 99% chance of blowing up the world, and a 1% chance of giving you a good sandwich. A Gambler learns what a good balance of risk and reward is, and acts accordingly.
True False

Know When to Fold and When to FightNot every game turns out right. Even before the Fall, the Darkness just won sometimes. Fighting a hopeless battle isn’t valorous, it’s foolish. The War of Hope is harsh enough, and wasting your time, reputation, and resources - possibly even your life on a failed effort is pointless. Wars usually aren’t lost in a single battle. In short, look at risk and reward, ask if you could forgive yourself if you failed, and work from there. The Queen won’t blame you if you fight the tide of Darkspawn that’s come after your family, and she won'twouldn’t stop fighting to protect hers.That being said, there’s also wisdom in recovering what you can. Making the most of a bad situation is just recovering some of your bet, and sometimes, you can still at least get a little of what you want. There’s still opportunity in a bad situation, after all. At the end of the long game, what matters is that the Light came out the better. The moral of the story: losers fight battles, winners fight wars.
True False

Justice for AllJustice often gets a bad rap nowadays, but to the King of Shields it is the seed from which the rest of his philosophy blossoms. The world the Nobility have been reborn into is one where the cruel torment others from the safety of the shadows without fear of discovery or punishment. Whether it be vampire lords abusing their ghouls, Cults sacrificing innocents to the Darkness, or mundane politicians involved in horrific crimes, there are countless examples of monsters both mundane and supernatural who constantly get away with the evils they afflict upon the world. The King of Shields refuses to let these brutes go unpunished and so asks his Nobles to be the heroes that will put a stop to their crimes. The Guardians seek to hold the wicked accountable for their misdeeds and to rescue their victims, even if it means having to delve into the void to find their quarry.It should be remembered that Knights are expected to actually deliver justice instead of just making things worse. Vengeance, hedonism, greed, sadism, pride, and other such vices must never interfere with a Noble’s duties. Judgements must be fair and based on full information, mercy must be used to tamper righteous anger and provide the genuinely repentant with atonement and forgiveness, and personal vendettas and moments of passion must never get in the way of a fair sentence. And of course, no matter what else, the healing and protection of victims needs to come first. Extremism, self-righteousness, and wrath are not tolerated in the Court, and the King himself will personally hold those guilty of them accountable. The King believes that Nobles are supposed to be embodiments of Light for the world. He expects them to act the part.
True False

The Truth Will Set You Free“Ignorance is Bliss” tends to be the motto of Mortals nowadays. It’s hard to blame them for having it. With the monsters, cults, horrors, and soul-crushing revelations waiting in the night, why would you want answers? If living in ignorance keeps you safe, isn’t that better than whatever truth you could find? People who stick their noses where they don’t belong end up meeting messy ends and even the most stubborn of skeptics subconsciously fear the things that dwell in the shadows. It’s better to just keep your head down and mind your business… right? The King of Shields says otherwise. Yes, the truth can be painful to accept, but that doesn’t make it a bad thing. When horrible things are revealed it might be tempting to hide from it and forget what you’ve seen, but unless you are willing to face the truth head on you cannot live a real life. Any safety someone has is an illusion if they are willing to live blinded by illusions and cowardice. The only way to start making the world a better place is to confront the horrors that lie in wait with courage. Once you accept the Truth it will set you free, and once you are free you can find real happiness. It isn’t always easy, or even safe, to do but it is very much worth it. The King holds hope that people will be able to see that they should be in control of their own lives and always tries to help those who have realized this fact for themselves achieve this dream. People need to live in the Light in order to thrive. Any shadow that would block their way must be cleared, including the ones they weave for ourselves out of fear.
True False

Shine On to the End of the World The world Nobles are reborn into isn’t called The World of Darkness for no reason. This really is a broken world tainted by fear, despair, and cruelty. Pain, grief, and loss are all things Nobles must confront, death is a very real possibility, and there will always be people who choose to hate and fear them because of the change they represent no matter how good the Enlightened are. Many Nobles can endure all of this so long as there is hope that somehow their suffering will bear good fruit, but what about those horrible times where the things you know to be true fail you? What about the times when you fight the good fight and endure with everything you have, but even after everything you still lose? What then? The King of Shields has thought long and hard over this problem and in the end he has found an answer. So many people in this world get ahead by doing awful things for lofty goals. They justify it by saying that their means will be worth it once they reach their ends, but the choice to do so in the first place is where they have already failed. There is no guarantee that “sacrificing” your morals will achieve victory and even if you do, success won’t undo the sins committed to achieve it. If you seek to drive out evil with more evil, you just replace that which you destroyed and nothing improves. Only goodness can truly defeat evil and if good fails and another evil goes up to defeat the first one, there will be no real improvement regardless of which of the two wins. The Phoenix King’s final lesson is that a Noble should choose to be the Light the world needs even if they stand before oblivion. Many of the Court’s detractors view this as morbidly fatalist, but those who serve him genuinely believe it regardless.
True False

Philosophy 1: What's done is doneWhile it may seem dismissive to not care about the past, the real meaning of this philosophy is to not let the past define you, good or bad historical deeds do not serve as an excuse for current actions or judgment. All that truly matters is someone's current actions and status
True False

Philosophy 2: Everything in its correct placeJust as a clock is made of precise gears, so too does the Mistress of the Hours believe the same applies to society and the nobility in general, everyone should have a place where they fit,and that the absence of a vital role should be fixed at the highest priority. And if there is not a place for someone to fit then a new place should be made.
True False

Philosophy 3: There is a benefit to losing, you get to learn from your mistakes.The final philosophy of the queen is that her attendants must not allow a hopeless situation to overcome them, while all nobles are hopeful for the future the clock keepers in particular try to always keep track of where they were and make sure where they are going is better.
True False

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