This quiz tests MS Gundam Wing Character Selector! Duo Maxwell Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector MS Gundam Wing Character Selector! by Tara Levin.
Test your knowledge of:
Duo Maxwell

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you constantly say you're going to kill someone?
True False

Are you a pacifist?
True False

Do you know how to use a sword/lightsaber?
True False

Do you look good in a mask?
True False

Do you/would you like to work in a circus?
True False

Do you find death fun?
True False

Do you have funky hair?
True False

Are you a schizophrenic?
True False

Are you a stalker?
True False

Are you a guy with a hairstyle that girls normally have?
True False

Are you an orphan?
True False

Do you always speak another language different than that of your native country?
True False

Do you have good fashion sense?
True False

Do you constantly have amnesia?
True False

Do you work in a junkyard?
True False

Do you like tea?
True False

Were you ever married?
True False

Do people call you by the name of an element?
True False

Are you extremely devoted to your boyfriend/girlfriend?
True False

Are you/were you a corrupted little child?
True False

Do you have funny eyebrows?
True False

Do you like to wear Spandex?
True False

Do you find pacifism an unlikely alternative lifestyle?
True False

Do you consider "onna" ("woman") an insult?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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