Survey Says: Top what job fits you! results, Games & Toys Survey
Games & Toys
The top 20 what job fits you! results of 52 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for what job fits you!.      

#1 42.3%
Squire-a common swordsmen
#2 17.3%
Monk-a fist fighter,NO weapons
#3 9.6%
Archer-specialize in long range battle
#4 9.6%
Samurai-a powerful worrior who wields thin swords from a distant land
#5 7.7%
Geomancer-specialize in elemental powers depending on where you are/if in water you can only use water ability
#6 1.9%
Calculater-a person who wields extreem intelligence
#7 1.9%
Dancer-a worrior that depends a footwork and confuse or distract the enemy with magical dances.PS:can also attack with knife or cloth
#8 1.9%
Knight-master swordsmen
#9 1.9%
Lancer-a spear wielding worrior who specialize in defense
#10 1.9%
Mediator-a fighter that also specialize in conversation
#11 1.9%
Oracle-specialize in status effects such as poisoning
#12 1.9%
Thief-steals equipment and confuse enemies
#13 0.0%
Bard-a magical singer that sings to purify or designate allies or enemies
#14 0.0%
Chemist-specialize in items
#15 0.0%
Mime-copies others abilites
#16 0.0%
Ninja-a fighter who specialize in speed daggers
#17 0.0%
Priest-specialize in white magic
#18 0.0%
Time mage-specialize in time magic
#19 0.0%
Wizard-specialize in black magic
#20 0.0%
summon-specialize in summoning monsters

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