Survey Says: Top Which natural disaster are you? results, Science & Nature Survey
Science & Nature
The top 9 Which natural disaster are you? results of 1874 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which natural disaster are you?.      

#1 19.6%
famine -- slow to build, slow to recede, but I can indeed make history; I drive people away
#2 14.6%
tsunami -- unpredictable, photogenic but people don't want to see you. You are earthquake's bigger, badder brother.
#3 14.2%
earthquake -- big, classic, and time-honored traditions; I like to send periodic reminders that I'm still around after the fact
#4 13.1%
volcano -- hot, untidy, but impressive to observe; Don't get too close if you don't want to get burned
#5 12.5%
epidemic -- I'm slowly, over time, being eradicated; I can be controlled by frequent handwashing
#6 8.4%
hurricane -- slow moving, building to a dramatic climax, but introspective and quiet inside; Stay out of my way
#7 7.8%
tornado -- coming out of nowhere, unpredictable, and enjoying making noise and excitement; You'll never know what hit you
#8 7.0%
drought -- dust doesn't really bother me, but mud does; I make people drool
#9 2.7%
tidal wave -- I like to work with others, and I'm photogenic; I'm in and out before you know it

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