Survey Says: Top If you were a Stargate SG-1 team member, who would you be? results, Personality Survey
The top 7 If you were a Stargate SG-1 team member, who would you be? results of 696 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for If you were a Stargate SG-1 team member, who would you be?.      

#1 37.4%
Daniel Jackson: A kind of geeky SG-1 member that speaks many ancient languages.
#2 26.0%
Jack O'Neil:The cool leader of the SG-1 team.
#3 17.7%
Samantha Carter: A soldier on the SG-1 team that is good with computers.
#4 12.1%
Janet Fraiser: The cheif medical officer that saves injured SG team members.
#5 4.3%
Teal'c: A strong and quiet Jaffa that kicks butt!
#6 2.0%
Jonas Quinn: The new SG-1 member that seems to have replaced Daniel Jackson.
#7 0.6%
General Hammond: The leader of the SG program that is nice but bound by military rules.

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