Survey Says: Top Clue Character Selector (game and TV series, not the movie) results, Games & Toys Survey
Games & Toys
The top 9 Clue Character Selector (game and TV series, not the movie) results of 401 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Clue Character Selector (game and TV series, not the movie).      

#1 34.7%
Master Lucas Grey, the chilly yet overprotective psycho
#2 15.2%
Madame Lynea Peach, the ditz
#3 10.0%
Colonel Richard Mustard, the gruff military man
#4 10.0%
Rev. Adrian Green, the kindhearted one
#5 8.5%
Mrs. Elizabeth Peacock, the socialite
#6 7.5%
Mr. Vincent Brown, the ladies man
#7 7.0%
Miss Samantha Scarlet, the slut
#8 4.7%
Mrs. Edna White, the backstabber
#9 2.5%
Prof. Cain Plum, the con artist

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